I am a small business expert and I fix companies.
I'm not sure why, but I have increasingly been encountering small business owners who decided to start their own companies because they believed that they had something special, "mojo", that was sufficiently special that the whole world needed to know about it.
I am blessed to be able to work my mojo across multiple industries. I used to feel really awkward when I would be asked (at the upteenth cocktail party or networking session) upon which industry I focused; reciting the litany of different fields, my answer soon became "everything but...". Not very engaging. What I have realized is that I work my magic on situations versus industries.
For example, my company has recently "struck a vein" of smaller companies that all have a great visionary at the helm who either isn't good at or just plain hates many of the aspects of management and leadership. Almost pleading, many of them will ask for an opportunity to be able to do that which they originally had in mind to do (e.g., provide environmentally robust products, interface with media clients and parlay connections, be a presence and thought leader in the social media space, provide excellent and environmentally sensitive earth solutions, etc.) when they embarked on their journey instead of being bogged down by the day to day minutiae that now absorbs and drains their energy.

I like encountering these geniuses and unleashing them to "be"; letting them run wild and free as I take out an obstacle for them, hold the door open for them and any other cliché you can think of. Like a parent at their kids recital or sports game, I really get my kicks off of seeing someone be able to execute and deliver on the giftedness that is at their disposal.

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