Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First post

I thought that a first post to a blog (or anything else) should be something positive; I was tempted to write about fear (because it is so pervasive in the marketplace and the people with whom I truck), but that appears to be  pointless.  Uncertainty is scary, but the lack of control we have over our lives is actually liberating.  Let me give you an example: in a religious institution (convent, abbey, monastery, etc.) the lives of the religious are governed by a rule or law that they voluntarily choose to impose upon themselves.  Once they join this community, they give up all pretense that they control their lives (I say 'pretense' because to think we control our lives is an illusion).  When that 'letting go' occurs, the religious no longer have to worry about what time they need to get up, eat, work, etc.  It's right there for all to see.  Any changes get made by someone else and then communicated to the rest of the community.

So what about the rest of us? We don't live in a closed community, strictly speaking, but we do live in a larger community called society with its own very specific set of rules and norms.  Understanding those rules are what make all the difference between chaos and order as well as being mediocre or excellent.  Those "social leaders" that can read the crowd and lead them in a direction that is godly and not mob rule determine the course of history.

What choice will we make each day when we wake up?