Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The right stuff

No, not the movie, but just as spine-tingling!

I am a small business expert and I fix companies.

One of the issues I constantly keep bumping up against is the composition of the company team.  You'd be amazed at how a HUGE amount of time, attention and resources will frequently be devoted to the development of a plan, a product, service, etc. but the most important item (the glue) to the whole enterprise is neglected.
What is the glue?  What binds everything together?
Good people who are the right fit for the right role at the right time.
For some reason, it escapes people (normal, thoughtful, smart people) that the same guy with whom you started your company in your garage is not necessarily the best guy to be with you 3 years later when you are now a few million in size and moving into new office space.
You're a good person even if you need a different type of human resource to take it to the next leg.
PLUS, who knows?  Maybe YOU need to replace yourself with the right person who can take your baby to the next level...

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